This Mother’s Truth: Faith is my Superpower


Faith is like health, you don’t think about it until you don’t have it. I love the word faith. I have faith in many things throughout my day.

Faith in my coffee to wake me up.

Faith in my vitamin promises ~ not yet determined by the FDA to provide said promised results~ will work.

Faith in God to keep my family safe and provided for.

Faith is my superpower.

My faith, I kid, is mostly a blind faith covered in ignorant bliss.

Every time I shower, I write the word ‘Faith’ on the shower door. Small loopy ‘f’, cursive ‘aith’ with the end of the ‘h’ looping over to cross the ‘t’ and dot the ‘i’
I whisper it.
I am it.

I had faith that with two children and a mountain of bills, we could make it work. By wanting less and making more, we did.

I had faith that if my husband and I worked hard and remained humble, but steadfast in our work we be successful.


I think this pandemic year has taught many of us to want less. To see the real side of “want”

Want for what?

2020 has up-ending so many things, but it has made one thing abundantly clear, family.

From a woman who wanted everything, I have emerged with minimal wants and all of our needs met.


I lay myself in faith. I play out the best and worst case scenarios, and I pin myself to the best. I am wholely aware of the worst and I expect nothing, but I stay in the place of the best.


Faith is free.

Faith is bigger than me.

Faith is a feeling inside of me that allows me to let go of all the smaller things that bind me to . . . . worry.

Faith is the let go.

My faith is in God, family, coffee (ahh, coffee), friends, recovery, dogs, writing, and strangers. My faith is fluid and ever-changing.

It doesn’t bind me to one idea of belief and it doesn’t contain me, but it does define me.

I am a woman of faith, and by the Grace of God, I hope to always be.