Carb Addict – How Carbs Filled the Hole in My Heart

Carb Addict – How Carbs Filled the Hole in My Heart

My dear friends, that title says it all, doesn’t it? As a woman in recovery from much bigger and badder things than carbs I half-smiled writing it. In fact, the revelation of being in a carb junkie is new to me, it didn’t occur to me until the night my father came home on hospice. […]

Gratitude: This is a Call to Action

Gratitude:  This is a Call to Action

My friends, I do not mean mandatory gratitude or mindless optimism. I suggest that gratitude is a Call to Action What are you grateful for today? Sometimes it is as simple as being grateful for the weather. The sun is shining, I can do my yard work. It is raining, I don’t need to feel […]