It is a Beautiful and Simple Life

It is a Beautiful and Simple Life

Dear Friends, of all the things I hoped and wished for in my life, simple was not on my list. As a young girl I wanted a loving life where I felt seen and heard. As a teenager I wanted a fun-filled life filled with excitement and adventure. As a twenty something I wanted an […]

Unbiased: The Kindest and Truest Want For My Children

Unbiased: The Kindest and Truest Want For My Children

Maybe the best I can hope for is for my children to experience the happiness I longed for as a child. Maybe my kindest and truest want will be for them to walk through this life without the biases I was brought up with, the layers of conditioned learning of what was right and what […]

How To Deal With The Boy Who Always Says No

How To Deal With The Boy Who Always Says No

Hi Friends! I have two children. Two amazing, intelligent, loving, caring, and kind children. And yet, in some areas they couldn’t be anymore different. When a new challenge is presented to the two of them, my daughter is strong-willed and confident while my son is tentative and afraid of failure. And every time this scenario […]

How To Honor A Painful Loss By Living with Intention

How To Honor A Painful Loss By Living with Intention

Hi Friends! I have been giving a lot of thought to loss. In fact, I have been living within the painful cycle of grief since my father passed away on January 30, 2021. I’ve been wondering, how can I remember him without being sad all the time? And, believe me, I am okay with being […]

The Beautiful Lie

The Beautiful Lie

My friends, people tell you that motherhood is fantastic ~ a beautiful experience that transcends all other achievements a woman can strive to accomplish. We see images of mothers “muddling” through the mundane with both a grimace and a smile just blessed to be in the thick of it. Every once in a while we […]

Carb Addict – How Carbs Filled the Hole in My Heart

Carb Addict – How Carbs Filled the Hole in My Heart

My dear friends, that title says it all, doesn’t it? As a woman in recovery from much bigger and badder things than carbs I half-smiled writing it. In fact, the revelation of being in a carb junkie is new to me, it didn’t occur to me until the night my father came home on hospice. […]

These Days Since My Father’s Death

These Days Since My Father’s Death

These days since my father’s death I’ve been moving through life at my usual pace. Seeing me from the outside doesn’t look much different than before, but my insides feel crumpled. It’s as if my insides were a sheet of paper crumpled up into a small ball that has been laid flat on the table […]

The Day My Children Said Goodbye To Their Grandfather

The Day My Children Said Goodbye To Their Grandfather

My friends, it was a cold and windy morning on the 29th of January when my children said goodbye to their Poppy. It had only been 4 short months since he sat at their soccer games cheering from the sidelines. 5 months since he sat in church watching his grandson receive the sacrament of eucharist. […]