It is a Beautiful and Simple Life

It is a Beautiful and Simple Life

Dear Friends, of all the things I hoped and wished for in my life, simple was not on my list. As a young girl I wanted a loving life where I felt seen and heard. As a teenager I wanted a fun-filled life filled with excitement and adventure. As a twenty something I wanted an […]

Revel in the Bounty of Your Life

Revel in the Bounty of Your Life

Dear Friends, Don’t let anyone – including that little voice in your head – tell you that your life should be any different than it is. Of course your life isn’t perfect, and there are many things you want that you don’t have, but that is true for everyone. The way out of feeling bad […]

Why New Friends Can Be The Best Kind of Friends

Why New Friends Can Be The Best Kind of Friends

Like a breath of fresh air, new friends can come into your life and ignite a fire you forgot you had. They can remind you of who you are, who you were as you share your stories, and who you want to be. It’s an energy that we, as women, can inspire within each other. […]

Carb Addict – How Carbs Filled the Hole in My Heart

Carb Addict – How Carbs Filled the Hole in My Heart

My dear friends, that title says it all, doesn’t it? As a woman in recovery from much bigger and badder things than carbs I half-smiled writing it. In fact, the revelation of being in a carb junkie is new to me, it didn’t occur to me until the night my father came home on hospice. […]

A Simple Prayer to Get Out of My Own Way

A Simple Prayer to Get Out of My Own Way

My friends, many of us have said . . . I want to get outside of myself . . . what does that even mean? Well . . . There are some mornings that deserve prayer more than others. The mornings that I wake up and feel happy, I have a prayer of gratitude. The […]