Carb Addict – How Carbs Filled the Hole in My Heart

Carb Addict – How Carbs Filled the Hole in My Heart

My dear friends, that title says it all, doesn’t it? As a woman in recovery from much bigger and badder things than carbs I half-smiled writing it. In fact, the revelation of being in a carb junkie is new to me, it didn’t occur to me until the night my father came home on hospice. […]

These Days Since My Father’s Death

These Days Since My Father’s Death

These days since my father’s death I’ve been moving through life at my usual pace. Seeing me from the outside doesn’t look much different than before, but my insides feel crumpled. It’s as if my insides were a sheet of paper crumpled up into a small ball that has been laid flat on the table […]

The Day My Children Said Goodbye To Their Grandfather

The Day My Children Said Goodbye To Their Grandfather

My friends, it was a cold and windy morning on the 29th of January when my children said goodbye to their Poppy. It had only been 4 short months since he sat at their soccer games cheering from the sidelines. 5 months since he sat in church watching his grandson receive the sacrament of eucharist. […]

Now That You Are Gone

Now That You Are Gone

It has been almost three whole days since you died. Looking back at the five days you spent home on hospice, replaying each moment, I have come to understand some important things about those days. First, time felt suspended. I have never felt something so surreal. I was looking at my watch often waiting for […]

Little Eyes Are Watching Me Through This Incredibly Painful Time

Little Eyes Are Watching Me Through This Incredibly Painful Time

Life is but a combination of fleeting moments strung together to create hours, days, years, and decades. As I sit next to my dying father, I am running through the combination of fleeting moments from our life together. I remember less of what he said to me and more of how he made me feel. […]